
Guidelines for Conference Submission

1. All presenting authors should be registered for the conference.
2. Only online submissions will be accepted. No hard copies will be entertained. Uploading declaration form is mandatory.
3. The title should be limited to 25 words.
4. The number of authors is limited to four for posters and six for oral presentations. The certificate will be issued in the name of the presenting author only.
5. For poster presentation, the abstract may be unstructured limited to 150 words. Preference will be given for completely worked-up individual case studies or case series with a message to the audience.
6. For B.R. Rama Rao oral presentation under free paper category, the abstract should be structured (Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion) and limited to 250 words. Original studies will get preference.
7. For B.S. Baliga oral presentation under award category, a full-length paper is to be submitted which includes a structured abstract limited to 250 words. Authors may refer to Indian Pediatrics guidelines for Research Papers for the requirements.
8. The last date of submission is 6th March, 2021. The selected abstracts will be intimated to the authors.

(After Selection of Abstracts)
The Organizing Committee of Mangalore Pedicon 2021 is extremely thankful for the overwhelming response. Given below is the list of titles selected under various categories of presentation. It is mandatory that all presenters are registered for the conference. Presenters are requested to adhere to the guidelines provided. Any queries may be e-mailed to us and we would be happy to address them. The organisers believe that the research being presented has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner.

Guidelines for Oral (Award and Free Paper) Presentation

1. The date and time will be intimated to the presenters beforehand.
2. The duration of each presentation will be 10 (7+3) and 8 (5+3) minutes for award and free papers respectively including question time.
3. The presentation should be structured and limited to a maximum of 12 power-point slides in MS Office.
4. The slides should be preloaded in the respective hall and the presenter available ahead of the schedule. Personal laptops will not be permitted.
5. For any assistance, please contact us at help desk at the venue.

Guidelines for Poster Presentation

General Specifications
1. The E-poster will be displayed on standard 42” (Diagonal) LCD
2. File format should be in jpeg format made in the template provided
3. Total size of the presentation should not exceed 10-20 MB
4. Kindly mention the reference number.
5. All slides should be in landscape format
6. Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static PPT format only
7. Reference number, title of the poster, author and affiliation should be clearly mentioned in the first slide and the presenter’s name should be underlined.

Design Specifications
1. Each slide title should be placed in a title placeholder
2. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgements
3. The poster should be self explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized
4. It is suggested that font size and typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one .

Color Suggestions
1. When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green)
2. When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan)
3. Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read
4. Illustrations/images/photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details
5. All sections should be organized and flow logically - it may be unstructured for case report. Ethical aspects should be adhered to when displaying photographs/ data.
6. The presenter should be available when experts visit and during breaks.

If there are any other queries, kindly feel free to let us know. Wishing you good luck and see you at conference. Please note that certificates will be issued only to the presenting author.


For Any Queries About Presentations Contact

Dr. Harish Mohan
+91 96061 85624
(Post Graduate)
Dr. Sinchana
+91 80507 15304
(Consultant - AJIMS)
Dr. Ashwathy
+91 81235 50952
(Consultant - AJIMS)