Academy organizes a National Conferences (now called PEDICON) every year. It is the biggest academic activity of IAP held in different parts of the country. The first National Conference was held in Pune in 1964.since then it is regularly held every year. The last PEDICON was held at Gurgaon. The organizing committee of Annual Conference has to deposit 30% of all savings of conference to Central office and 10% to State Chapter. The bid for the conference can be made by IAP branch in a prescribed application formthe conference is generally held for 3 days. Pre-conference workshops and CME are held preceding the conference. The Executive Board meeting is held concurrently with the CME program. The President dinner is hosted a day prior to the Executive Board meeting. The Annual General Body meeting of IAP is held on the 1st day of the conference in the evening.Several administrative meetings are held during the conference period. The science programs of the conference are:

Late Dr. Shantil C. Seth Oration (non – concurrent)

 Two plenary Sessions (non-concurrent). One of the plenary sessions is on the theme of the conference.

 Award papers session (concurrent)

 Symposia of IAP sub-specialty Chapters/ Groups

 Dialogue sessions (non-concurrent)

 Free & Poster papers presentation

 Guest Letures

 IAP Undergraduate Quiz & IAP Postgraduate Quiz