All branches of the academy must ensure that the members of the academy represent on state/district level, governmental/semi-governmental/nongovernmental agencies/organizations/voluntary health agencies and on such other forums and make known Academy’s policies and view on child health and family welfare.

All branches of Academy must organize frequent clinical meeting ,conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia, CME program, refresher courses , lecture series, exhibitions, pediatric quiz program, update , community survey program, parent teachers – medical professionals program and other programs on various aspects of child health, socio- economic conditions or any such programs which are relevant under particular situation in the ordinary course. However, the Executive Board may regulate programs if it deems necessary.

Academy promotes its Chapter/Branches to publish health education material, books and periodicals of their own. District/City branches are required to complete a list of sub- Centers, PHCs, Upgraded PHCs, Community Health Centers, District Hospital ,Charitable Hospitals, Private Hospitals & Nursing Homes; and updates it time to time . District/City branches guide and advise these centers on recent advances in medical care and equipment. State Chapters and District/City Branches take up the issues relating to inadequate staffing & medical care , non – availability and irrational use of essential drugs with the appropriate authority. All branches maintain records of all their activities in a standard format provided by Central office and furnish it along with annual Repost. There will be meeting between office bearer of IAP with Chairpersons and Secretaries of various branches of IAP at the Annual Conference. All Chapter/Branches also submit a work plan for a period of 1 year to Central Office. Any change or modification in the program is intimated to the Central office atleast 15 days in advance.

The state branch of the Academy shall be required to submit evaluation report on the performance of district/city branch under the concerned state branches on a prescribed from within 3 months of closing of financial year of the state branches. The branch is de-recognized if it acts against the objectives of academy or bring discredit to academy. After being given a chance to the concerned branch, a recommendation to de-recognize the branch is made by Executive Board, which is ratified at the subsequent annual general body meeting of the academy. The Academy awards President’s Shield/Awards of state branch and local branch for meritorious services as per guidelines given by Executive Board from time to time. In matters not Provided by there rules, the rules and regulations of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics are applicable to the working of the branches. In case of any dispute relating to the working of the branches. In case of any dispute relating to the working of the branches it is brought to the notice of the state branch/central office and the decision of the Executive Board of the Academy in such disputes is final and binding on all the branches.